Write Your Legal Will in 3 Easy Steps - US: Everything you need to write a legal will (Legal Series)
Waters, Robert C.
ISBN 13: 9781770400962

Write Your Legal Will in 3 Easy Steps – US: Everything you need to write a legal will (Legal Series)

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Approximately 60% of Americans don t have a properly written legal Will! Updated for 2012, this complete kit has everything you need to plan your estate, make decisions about how to divide it, and write your own legal will. This kit is written by an American lawyer and is 100 percent legal. Creating an estate plan and writing your own will is easy. Just follow the step-by-step instructions in this book and use the forms to create your own will. There s no need to register your will or have it signed by a legal professional. Simply store it in a safe place for your loved ones."
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