Wholistic Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): Finding Your Place in the Universe: A Mini-Encyclopedia of Ways to Develop and Deepen Wonder-full Relationships
Benor MD, Daniel J.
ISBN 13: 9781775350613

Wholistic Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): Finding Your Place in the Universe: A Mini-Encyclopedia of Ways to Develop and Deepen Wonder-full Relationships

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IF YOU OR OTHERS YOU KNOW ARE HIGHLY SENSITIVE, THIS BOOK CAN TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE! JOIN ME FOR EXPLORATIONS OF WHOLISTIC AWARENESS AND HEALING THAT BRING TOGETHER AND ENHANCE EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR BEING: Body, emotions, mind, relationships with other people and with the world at large, and spirit.LEARN HOW EVERY LEVEL OF YOUR BEING CONTRIBUTES TO YOUR WHOLE SELF- Body speaks through symptoms (pain is the most frequent messenger) of issues your inner self wants you to pay more attention to- Emotions may be challenging you- Mind may confuse current emotions with painful or traumatic earlier life issues, and can produce emotional overloads- Relationships in your present life may stimulate memories of previous, unhappy experiences from your past, and this may distort and interfere in your current interactions- Relationships with the greater world around you may help you sense you are a small but significant part of something far greater than you realized- And Spirit can heighten and deepen these understandings of your connections with vast worlds of consciousness in which you participate, and to which you can contribute positive or negative energies.LEARN HOW HEIGHTENED SENSITIVITIES ENHANCE HSPs LIVES BUT ALSO MAKE HSPs VULNERABLE TO SENSORY, EMOTIONAL, INTERPERSONAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, INTUITIVE AND SPIRITUAL OVERLOADSDISCOVER AND DEEPEN YOUR APPRECIATIONS AND UNDERSTANDINGS OF- Awarenesses to guide you more gently and safely through life- Methods to release stress, distress and traumas- How to clear physical and emotional pains of all sorts- Tools and skills for specific problems, like low self-confidence, fears, angers, depression, grief, and more- Skills to enhance and deepen your relationships- Ways to build and strengthen more positivity into your life- Ways to help your children understand, appreciate and deal with their sensitivities- Ways to pay these blessings forward, helping others share the benefits you learn to create, enhance and enjoy shareSPIRITUAL AWARENESSES CAN GREATLY ENRICH YOUR LIFE AND THE LIVES OF OTHERS IN YOUR PERSONAL WORLD- Intuition is real and not just your imagination- You may know what others think and feel, sometimes before they are aware of themselves- See research confirming that intuition is real and is really helpful! Telepathy - mind to mind communicationsClairsentience - knowing direct information about the world without the aid of your ordinary sensesPrecognition - knowing how the future is going to unfoldPast life memoriesGod, angels and other spirit helpersLEARN METHODS SUCH ASTWR/ WHEE - a form of Energy Psychology that gives you tools to tap away anxieties, fears, pains of all sorts, traumas and more; and then to tap in positive thoughts, feelings and attitudes to enrich your life and the lives of those around youTWO-CHAIR WORK- sharpening your awarenesses and abilities to identify and deal with inner issues that often put unseen roadblocks in your life and relationshipsUNDERSTANDINGS OF HOW THE BRAIN AND MIND WORK- neuroplasticity, allowing you to reshape and reprogram your brain- right and left brain hemisphere functions of thinking and feeling, and how to harmonize them - the inner parent, adult and child of Transactional Analysis, which can play mischief in your relationships - how to deal with traumas and trauma residues getting in the way of enjoying your life and your relationships- how to help your children understand and deal productively with their sensitivities, so they grow up with skills to deal more productively with every aspect of their beingPlanetary dangers invite us to develop our healing - for ourselves and those close to us, and also for all life on our planet.I wish you good healings and hope the above, and much, much more in this mini-encyclopedia can help you have a happier, healthier and more productive life.
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