Where there's smoke...
Harrison MD, John
ISBN 13: 9781545127858

Where there’s smoke…

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This book focuses upon the habit, or the addiction, of smoking. However, the principles upon which the book is based apply to all habits, and to all addictions. In going through these pages, please substitute any of your own personal habits or addictions that are causing you a problem, for smoking. If we don't address the role of our own personality, it's virtually impossible to fully resolve any addiction. Those addictions may include smoking, prescription opioids, over-eating, alcohol, sex or any other habit that's a problem for us. The most difficult addiction to resolve is the addiction to being "right", a consequence of the need for control. This shows up as rigid views and opinions, and often masks a deep-seated criticism of ourselves and others. We may need to re-consider our current attitudes and opinions, and become available for exploring elements of ourselves and life which we previously regarded as "facts". This book signposts just such an exploration. Where there's Smoke is the third book in the Love Your Disease series. The first book in the series, Love Your Disease It's keeping you healthy, explores the role of our own personalities in the cause and cure of disease, and the second, Highway to Health, explores using our current circumstances to provide the insights that lead to recovery.
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