Wanderings 2024
Cheney, Glenn Alan
ISBN 13: 9781947074781

Wanderings 2024

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Paintings, drawings, sculpture, photographs, and other artwork by 31 Connecticut artists associated with Norwich Arts Center: Gabriela Aisenberg, Glynis J. Blanker, Michael David Brathwaite, Virginia Chase, Glenn Alan Cheney, Karen Coombs, Rita Dawley, Mark Dixon, Michael Dubenetsky, Carol Dunn, Richard Paul Hoyer, Susan Scott Kenney, Melody Knight Leary, Gerlinde Lehner, Ralph Levesque, Mary Ann Lewis, Gabe Lipman, Susan Masse, Howard McCalebb, Lori Neumann, Marianne Nicholas, Elizabeth O'Connor. Susan Parish, Mark Patnode, Yujuan (Juner) Zhai Patnode, Lori Rembetski, Ann N. Scavone, Wendy Shanahan, Guy Smith, Gretchen van der Lyke, Karin Forde Whittemore, and Gabrielle Zane.

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