The Search for the Tyler Y. Alphonse From the Investigative Files of Benoit Carter: The Ypsilanti-Dakkarosi War, Volume 3 of 3
Pierson, Gregory a.
ISBN 13: 9781681812601

The Search for the Tyler Y. Alphonse From the Investigative Files of Benoit Carter: The Ypsilanti-Dakkarosi War, Volume 3 of 3

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In the late twenty-fifth century, a long-dormant mystery resurfaces involving the disappearance in deep space of a Pulvermacher-class supply freighter. Handed what appears to be another mundane "research and report" commission, Junior Agent Benoit Carter is about to have his well-ordered life profoundly change.

Carter's initial search shows that his investigative section has been infiltrated by clandestine alien moles. Then a retired Confederation senior agent is murdered, an entire Del Mar subdivision is destroyed, and Carter is gravely injured in an assassination attempt.

After recuperating, Carter and his supervisor, Debra T. Stanton, follow a string of seemingly unconnected clues, eventually stumbling on some long-buried information. They learn how Terra (the Earth) was involved in a far-distant interstellar conflict, its cause, and the fact that their home world has been quietly invaded by enemy aliens, whose offspring have infiltrated vital levels of the Confederation's governance.

Another disclosure during their hunt for clues is the identity of a close associate who has been putting up a well-crafted façade. Carter remains doggedly on the case, following a trail of digital bread crumbs to uncover the cause of the mysterious disappearance of the Confederation fast supply vessel, the Tyler Y. Alphonse.

This is the third book in an exciting trilogy.

Gregory A. Pierson grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River in Alton, Illinois, site of the Lincoln-Douglas presidential debates, a famous Civil War prison, and home of some of the most haunted houses in the country.

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