The Religious Tradesman By Richard Steele: A Biblical View of Work
Rice, Russ W.
ISBN 13: 9781917281225

The Religious Tradesman By Richard Steele: A Biblical View of Work

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Work has become an ugly word in our society. Many work out of necessity rather than understanding the Biblical mandate to be a productive person. When Adam fell work became one of toil and hardship. Followers of Christ are called to recapture the joy of a productive work life which glorifies Christ. This book aims to reignite a Biblical understanding of work from Scripture.

Russ W. Rice has been an entrepreneur most of his adult life. He has bought, ran and sold many companies during his 40 plus years.Russ attended The Master's Seminary where he first was introduced to "The Religious Tradesman" book. It set the trajectory for running his business in a Biblical way. He is also the President of Coram Deo Studios and Signature Fundraising. He has produced films through Lionsgate Films.He continues to run Signature Fundraising which is one of the largest product fundraising companies in the U.S.A.He also is a founding board member of the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Trust Ministry. He has consulted many businesses over the years.

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