The Imprinted Survivor
Flynn, Vinny
ISBN 13: 9781935356226

The Imprinted Survivor

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Tradition is the chain we hold on to from one generation to the next. You may not be remembered in generations to come but tradition can go on - in it we will be remembered - one link at a time.Undertaking a search into the past lives of my ancestors to find a source for the strength I mysteriously possessed surviving cancer not once but three times. This Christian Spiritual Memoir journeys through time in search of a possible link hidden in my ancestors DNA to the Epigenetic Theory, which holds that origins of behavior can over time be directly affected by environmental factors in addition to the free will we all possess. The Imprinted Survivor has a narrative voice of storytelling, as I paint a picture with words to transcend the reader into my world of human experiences in the face of terminal illness. It is a secret world that battles both physical and psychological elements. The past and present merge in a unique manner, while intertwining within the lives of generations long gone. Relying on my faith in God to lead me down the correct path and the miracle of life he has allowed me to enjoy. I give witness through stories remembered and endless hours of research a legacy of history and legend. Through the realization and acceptance of my cancer, I face many unanswered questions the medical field tries to solve. It is not a science of one way paths or certainty. There are always variables to each and every case. As we humans are created by our Lord and not man made creatures. To seek out the answer to the question many victims ask themselves, "Why me?" is an answer which may have no purpose, as the purpose is finding you in this journey.

I as a cancer victim undertook my role as commander-n-chief of my body and soul and mother to my household. Once armed with research on homeopathic cures along with spiritual guidance I waged a war with the best possible weapons I knew alongside my medical providers. Visible signs showed their ugly faces on my physical appearance in battle scares and hair loss. Yet all was not bleak, as I benefited from new found friends, caregivers and other survivors.

As I come to an end in this journey, I find my answer not just to the imprint I may have received from my ancestors, but the strength all mankind possesses within their souls. A strength, that we human beings can grasp on to in our battles and give a good fight, whatever our heritage. As cancer survivors our battles may not be won on battlefields they are won on operating tables, with chemo and radiation treatments, many tears and a whole lot of prayers. We can hold our heads high as we travel down life's path. What a bumpy ride it can be. Hopefully the next generations we imprint shall praise the lives we have led and our memory will have its own story to tell.

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