'The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1: Secrets from an MD with ADHD: Building Balanced Meals and Exercise Routines for Children'
Brown, Dawn Kamilah
ISBN 13: 9781948400008

‘The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1: Secrets from an MD with ADHD: Building Balanced Meals and Exercise Routines for Children’

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Have you been searching for proven strategies to manage your child's ADHD symptoms? If so, The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1 by Dawn Kamilah Brown, MD, contains vital information to help your child champion their ADHD and function at their optimal level.

After uncovering key factors while seeking ways to manage her own ADHD, Dr. Dawn now exposes food myths, replaces them with facts, and recommends the foods, nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for your child's ADHD mind. Through easy-to-follow recipes, illustrations, and examples of recreational activities and organized sports, Dr. Dawn shows you how to incorporate healthy diet routines and encourage age-appropriate exercises.

The ADHD Lifestyle Series, Volume 1 will motivate you to look at ADHD as a creative experience through which you can develop the essential structure, routines, and confidence that lead to your child's success!

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