Six Presents From God
Houston, Gary
ISBN 13: 9781556730726

Six Presents From God

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Advent is a time to think about gifts. Who should receive them? How much should they cost? What do the people on our list "need" most of all? We scramble every year between Thanksgiving and Christmas, trying to "take care of our gift list."

Here is a refreshing second look at the whole area of giving and receiving gifts. When all is said and done, it is not us but God who is the gift-giver. By his rich giving we are graced for life and for eternity. Throughout the season of Advent and Christmas, share with members of your congregation the good news of God's enormous generosity. Look together at the "gift list" God assembled for us once where shepherds watched and angels sang.

These six sermons are each supplemented with simple object lessons for young children. The author focuses on God's gifts to us of:
The baby Jesus

Gary W. Houston is pastor of First United Methodist Church, Alexandria, Indiana. A graduate from the Episcopal seminary at Suwannee, Tennessee, he has a Ph.D. in Inner Asian Studies. He has authored/edited five published books.

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