Radiant City
Lauren B. Davis

Radiant City

RB - Fiction & Literature

Scarred by his experiences as a war correspondent, Matthew fleesto Paris to heal and forget--even as he must stir up the past to write thememoir he's promised to his impatient literary agent. Resurrecting afriendship with Jack, a Vietnam vet and ex-mercenary, Matthew enters Jack'salcohol-dimmed world of shadowy bars and calculating lovers. But there is alsoSaida--beautiful, damaged and proud--who fled Lebanon with her family and nowruns a café. Matthew is drawn to her kindness, and to her fierce love for herteenage son, who is growing into manhood on the treacherous streets of the NorthAfrican quarter.

This is Paris far from the glimmer of tourist lights. Heresecrets are divulged, guilt and passion revealed, and Matthew is caught up in aninescapable final confrontation. The Radiant City is a novel ofastonishing depth and power.

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