Marvin the Marvelous Mosquito
Cavanaugh, Linda Serven
ISBN 13: 9781636304212

Marvin the Marvelous Mosquito

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This is a children's fantasy story about a mosquito named Marvin. It is an attempt to point out some of the scientific facts about the life of a mosquito. He was just tired of being identified as a pest! People hated him. They were always trying to swat to kill him.

One day, he watches a bee drawing nectar from a flower. He comes up with a plan. He wants to change his behavior to cause people to start loving each other and not hate or harm each other. He was performing an amazing experiment on people's emotions. People started calling him Marvin, the marvelous mosquito, because he had discovered a way to inject love and kindess into people and dissolve their bitterness and hatred for each other.

Marvin changes from hurting people to making people feel good with his "powerful sting." He concludes that even an insect can have more fun doing good than harm. The theme of this book is about good and evil.

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. (Psalms 34:14 NIV)

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