Living With Plants
Lee, Sophie

Living With Plants

RB - Gardening - General Gardening

Houseplants offer the perfect solution to the urban dweller lacking in space - indoor and outdoor. They are an easy and exciting way to transform the look and feel of your home, even if you are living in a space no bigger than a shoebox. As well as improving the air quality of your home - necessary when living in a busy smog-filled city - caring for plants is the perfect way to relax and de-stress, improving your quality of life. Living with Plants will teach you how to create bespoke beautiful botanics for your home or even your office. Offering you over 30 innovative projects, you will be guided on the different ways you can green-up your living space: from moss wall hangings, potted plants, air plants, water plants, hanging baskets, terrariums, and more. Each project can be adapted to use equipment you already have at home, as well as teaching you ways you can upcycle your own pots, containers, plant stands, and wall hangings. It covers all the basics from soil propagation, watering, pruning, and cutting, to useful tips and tricks on how to revive and maintain your plants. Discover which plant is best for which room as well as inspiring ways you can dress up your home for a celebration or party. This is your one-stop shop to creating a beautiful botanical living space on a budget.
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