Latin Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide
Prior, Richard
ISBN 13: 9780071477277

Latin Demystified: A Self Teaching Guide

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Become a bona fide master of Latin

English vocabulary owes a great debt to Latin, ergo you already know many Latin words and phrases. Now you can move beyond the status quo and learn this classical language. With Latin Demystified, nihil obstat (nothing stands in the way).

Beginning with an overview of Latin, basic pronunciation rules, and a discussion on the differences between inflected and analytical languages, Latin Demystified covers key grammar fundamentals such as nouns, verb forms, and syntax. You'll build your Latin vocabulary with essential words and phrases and quickly master this challenging language. Test yourself at the end of every chapter for reinforcement that you're fast on your way to reading and understanding Latin.

This fast and easy guide features:

  • Clear and straightforward explanations of Latin grammar fundamentals
  • Numerous examples of simple and complex sentence structures
  • Full coverage of Latin noun declensions and verb tenses
  • Helpful writing exercises
  • Quizzes at the end of each chapter to reinforce new material

Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for a more experienced student, Latin Demystified is your shortcut to mastering this complex language.

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