Ill Met in the Arena
Duncan, Dave
ISBN 13: 9780765316875

Ill Met in the Arena

RB - Science Fiction and Fantasy

The nobles of Aureity have been breeding their children for psychic powers for generations. Women's powers are mental, including psychic control and mind-reading, making them ideal rulers. Men have superhuman strength and can teleport to any place they have previously visited. Consequently, young noblemen make their fortune by competing in psychic gladiatorial contests to display their powers in the hope of being hired--and married--by women of high rank.
When Quirt, an older man with obvious skill but little known record, first enters the arena, the combat circuit is abuzz wondering who he might be. But his mystery is almost eclipsed by the young cub who has been entering competitions anonymously and winning them all. Barely in his teens, full of raw power but short on training or patience, Humate is so horrified when he's bested by Quirt that he insists on finding out where he came from.
Unfortunately for Humate, the answer reaches far beyond his birth: back to the terrible wrongs done to Quirt's mother and his new wife by one of Humate's relatives, and back to Quirt's sentencing, a doom which takes away his identity until he can bring the culprit to justice. Humate is in deep denial about this familial scandal generations deep, but Quirt must try to covince him to help, compelled by his doom and by the stirrings of a new love that cannot possibly be realized in his nameless condition.
No one ever said revenge was going to be easy.
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