Hookers, Midgets, and Fire Trucks: An Invitation to Our Party
Thompson, Linda
ISBN 13: 9781440198342

Hookers, Midgets, and Fire Trucks: An Invitation to Our Party

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How often do you rock through life thinking everything is grand, and then out of nowhere, smack, you get hit hard? How do you make it through the bad stuff -the really bad stuff ? In her memoir, Hookers, Midgets, and Fire Trucks: An Invitation to Our Party, Linda Gayle Thompson shares how laughing, loving, crying, and honest-to-God begging for answers got her through the absurdity of life, which she equates to a party.

Linda's honest connection with people and her ability to blend zany real-life humor with her passion to motivate others causes the lives she touches to be changed forever. Through the toughest times of her life, Linda discovered her guardian angels and overcame overwhelming grief and depression. Based on the information she has learned, she believes we truly are eternal.

Linda grew up as an insecure child, not realizing her own inner strength until she married her own personal quadriplegic Don Quixote and became his sole caregiver. Thompson shares how absurd humor, tenacious spirit, and guardian angels carried her through a lifetime of one catastrophic blow after another. Hilarious, freakish anecdotes woven together with tragic, real-life experiences and lessons learned from both produce a magical blend of inspiration, tears, and laughter.

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