Hippocrates LifeForce
Clement, Brian

Hippocrates LifeForce

RB - Health

Superior Health and Longevity. Hippocrates Health Institute director Dr. Brian Clement shows how the Hippocrates LifeForce program implements the use of raw living foods to help people maintain a healthful weight and stimulate natural immune defenses against disease. Readers discover how to develop a positive frame of mind that supports good health, understand the harmful habits that derail the healing process, learn how to make the transition to eating raw living foods at home as well as when dining out or traveling, and create the support system needed to stay on track. They also learn to create a healthful and self-affirming lifestyle. Also included is detailed information on therapeutic juicing and sprouting, the role of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and the use of medicinal herbs, and raw food recipes from the Hippocrates kitchen
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