Good Morning, Life!: One Woman Waking Up to Happiness, One Moment at a Time
Demone, Barbara
ISBN 13: 9781525582356

Good Morning, Life!: One Woman Waking Up to Happiness, One Moment at a Time

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Do you want to be happy?
Not waiting-for-the-weekend happy.
Not happy-ish.
Really, truly happy. Unconditionally satisfied. Every single day.

High-performing financial services exec and time-strapped mother of two Barbara Demone thought she'd have to pencil in happiness for later-until she realized she already had everything she needed to enjoy her life, exactly as it was.

Drawing from the writings of prominent spiritual leader Eckhart Tolle, as well as respected psychologists like Dr. Shefali Tsabary, Demone kept a journal every morning on the commuter train, actively training her mind to feel happy. Three years later, she'd hit on a formula for genuine, lasting happiness that really works-even with a jam-packed schedule, a demanding career, and the equally demanding job of parenthood.

In this book, Demone shares the collected insights of her journals and reveals her stress-tested formula to enjoying:

-Confident and compassionate leadership
-Effective, guilt-free parenting
-Cool-headed decision-making in heated situations
-Less drama; more harmonious relationships
-And that priceless yet elusive state: abundant, unfettered happiness.

This is it: the family-first career woman's practical guide to peace of mind, right in the busy middle of everyday routines. There's no need to wait for your schedule to clear up to transform your life. A deep wellspring of happiness lies within yourself, there to uncover, moment by moment....
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