Genesis: A Living Conversation (Pbs Series)
Moyers, Bill

Genesis: A Living Conversation (Pbs Series)

RB - Religion - Christianity

People need stories to make sense of the world--to hold their lives together, and to fasten on to those values that last. The greatest stories are found in the Bible, enduring through the centuries. In "Genesis, " acclaimed television journalist Bill Moyers brings together some of the world's liveliest minds for spirited round-table discussions of the ageless stories from the Bible's first, towering book.

Creation, temptation, murder, exile, and family strife--these emerge from every page of Genesis and speak to us today. "Genesis" invites readers into a lively and accessible discussion of the manifold meanings of these stories, and engages us in a fascinating exploration of the relationship between interpreter and text. Among the scores of writers, theologians, artists, and thinkers in the series are Mary Gordon, Phyllis Trible, John Barth, Faye Kellerman, Samuel Proctor, Aviva Zornberg, Walter Brueggemann, Robert Alter, Oscar Hijuelos, Charles Johnson, Stephen Mitchell, Leon Kass, Elaine Pagels, Bharati Mukherjee, Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Elizabeth Swados, Renita Weems--all in a dazzling, multi-layered chorus of voices.

With the same interplay of text, photographs, and art that made "The Power of Myth" and "Healing and the Mind" so dynamic and unforgettable, "Genesis" has the capacity to enrich people's lives intellectually and spiritually.

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