GATTACA HAS FALLEN: How Population Genetics Failed the Populace
Myles MD/Mph, Ian A.
ISBN 13: 9798989230907

GATTACA HAS FALLEN: How Population Genetics Failed the Populace

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Why are we living longer, but getting sicker?

Have you ever wondered why so many children these days have food allergies? Do you feel that the healthcare industry is more focused on prescribing drugs than preventing diseases? Perhaps you have read about murders carried out in the name of racial purity? In GATTACA Has Fallen: how population genetics failed the populace, Dr. Ian Myles explains that the root of all of these issues is the belief that genetics meaningfully guide our fate. Using less controversial examples like eczema and allergic diseases, the book demonstrates how claiming there are genes for asthma is similar to claiming there are genes for intellect or favorite flavor of tea. GATTTACA Has Fallen outlines how flawed study design and interpretations became woven into population genetics. The text details the successful methods used by geneticists working in the fields of rare diseases, cancer, and drug reactions to illuminate why population genetics has fallen short. GATTACA Has Fallen then explains why the faulty assumptions of population genetics continue to fuel bigotry and elitism. The book debunks the gene-centric paradigms found in The Selfish Gene and The Genetic Lottery and illuminates why eugenics has persisted despite decades of disappointing results. Finally, actionable suggestions are offered for shifting the paradigm to one that focuses on helping patients and preventing disease. GATTACA Has Fallen is for anyone interested in learning more about biology and uncovering the myths, lies, and legacy of population genetics.

"A well-argued, approachable challenge to society's preoccupation with the potential of genetic science." - Kirkus Reviews

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