Cakes in Bloom: The Art of Exquisite Sugarcraft F
Porschen, Peggy; Smith, Georgia Glynn

Cakes in Bloom: The Art of Exquisite Sugarcraft F

RB - Cooking - Cakes & Cupcakes

Cakes in Bloom is the ultimate reference and inspiration for sugarcrafters and shows Peggy's mastery of a breathtaking array of flowers, creatively used on a variety of cakes. Included is a broad range of techniques embracing all the basics as well as the particular skills needed to make each individual flower. The range of 24 cakes include signature recipes and fail-safe fillings for miniature cakes, large cakes and tiered cakes, which taste as good as they look. Peggy reveals the secrets to making more than 30 gorgeous life-like flowers, from roses to cherry blossom, and includes a wealth of ideas of how they can be used for a range of occasions from birthdays to weddings.
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