Brand Positioning With Power: Maximize Your Marketing Impact
Gordon, Robert S.
ISBN 13: 9781637425510

Brand Positioning With Power: Maximize Your Marketing Impact

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Powerful Brand Positioning Harnesses Key Building Blocks

Brand Positioning with Power: Maximizing Your Marketing Impact is a new take on Al Ries and Jack Trout's original positioning concept. The book delivers measurable results because it:

  • Is remarkably easy to use
  • Uses a proven, systematic positioning process
  • Leverages exciting, practical real-world examples

You'll see how the three essential building blocks of positioning lead organically to increased success, whether you are a sole proprietor or a Fortune 500 organization.

Written in an enthusiastic, concise, and conversational style, Brand Positioning with Power offers ground-breaking insights, including the vital role emotion plays in effective positioning. This is the tool you need today to take your brand from where you are to where you want to go.

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