Biscuit's Big Word Book in English and Spanish Board Book: Over 100 First Words!/Más de 100 palabras básicas!
Capucilli, Alyssa Satin
ISBN 13: 9780063067028

Biscuit’s Big Word Book in English and Spanish Board Book: Over 100 First Words!/M├â┬ís de 100 palabras b├â┬ísicas!

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Learn to read simple words in both Spanish and English with Biscuit, everyone's favorite little yellow puppy, in this bilingual board book for young readers.

Learn over 100 first words in English and Spanish with Biscuit, everyone's favorite little yellow puppy! This bilingual word book introduces early learners to life on the farm and city, family, friends, seasons, numbers, colors, bedtime, and much more.

With full-color illustrations throughout, each featured word is accompanied by a visual and contextual clue to help children decipher its meaning.

With simple images and clear text, this appealing bilingual board book is perfect for building everyday vocabulary in English and Spanish.

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