A Cry Like a Bell (Wheaton Literary)
L'Engle, Madeleine

A Cry Like a Bell (Wheaton Literary)

RB - Poetry

In this collection of poems of human struggle and God's grace, Madeleine L'Engle speaks across the centuries through the voices of biblical figures, like Rachel, Isaac, Mary, and Andrew.

Every one of us will find at least one character with whom we can identify--their dilemmas and struggles, moments of joy, and heart longings. Their dramatic songs echo in our minds and touch us afresh with belief in God's grace and love, no matter what our situations.

Praise for A Cry Like a Bell
Whether in her prose or poetry, Madelein L'Engle brings illumination to her themes through her blend of insight and honesty. --Edmund Fuller

She speaks with the awesomely stark clarity that marks the imagination of real poets. Read her poetry and be chastened and filled with joy. --Thomas Howard

These cries of pain and joy ring down the cycles of the centuries, and listening to them, we are joined to their music. --Luci Shaw

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