Network, Hyperhidrosis
ISBN 13: 9781518782756

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I have been suffering from excessive sweat ever since I remember. I suffer with excessive sweat on my palms and on my feet and for the longest time I thought that I was alone to be cursed with such a condition. I had no clue that my condition was a common one, with an actual medical term - Hyperhidrosis! That discovery made me feel better in a twisted sense. I was no longer the only person trying to find way out of sweaty palms and feet in a world where everyone else was perfect! I then started my somewhat frustrating journey towards understanding this disease, and more important the various treatment options. I say frustrating because I was still relying on internet as my key source of information and soon discovered that most of internet was full of complex, mostly inaccurate and downright unethically incorrect information to make a quick buck. However, since I was so desperate to find a solution to my sweat condition, I persisted. I read a lot of research articles, met several qualified medical professionals specializing in this field, and interacted with a large number of hyperhidrosis patients. I even ended up setting up the largest online community of hyperhidrosis patients online - http: // The site, over a short time-period has become the most popular go to place to find out anything about hyperhidrosis, connect to other patients and to discuss the treatment options. Hyperhidrosis Network As I mentioned previously, I realized that even in this day and age of information accessibility, it was difficult for people with Hyperhidrosis to find real helpful information or to connect to others with the same condition. So, out of sheer frustration, I set-up a website ambitiously names to document my understanding of hyperhidrosis and what I was learning about treatment options. However, soon it has evolved way beyond what I originally thought it would. Since the time I started in 2012, the website has seen a surge of visitors from all across the globe. As more people have joined the website, more useful it has become over all those months. HHN is now one of the largest, authentic, non-biased, non-commercial sources of information, and community support for hyperhidrosis patients. Why This Book (and why not)? With my hyperhidrosis problem, and my involvement in Hyperhidrosis Network, I got opportunities to interact with very wide variety of people - from thousands of patients, to hundreds of doctors, to tens of product manufacturers and then a few clearly shady operators trying to make quick money by drawing on the desperation of patients to get rid of sweat. Through this book, I am trying to summarize everything I have learnt in a concise, brief way so that other patients like me can get the most objective information about Hyperhidrosis without having to go through the learning curve that I have had to. I do not, even for a moment, pose to be the one to "know" the solution to excessive sweat issues. Nor does this book promise any miracle cure to get rid of that awkward sweat overnight (how I wish that was possible!). However, I do promise that after reading this book you will be way better informed on what is hyperhidrosis, why it happens and what you can do to manage this well enough so as to minimize impact on your quality of life. Hope you find this useful - I will appreciate any constructive feedback you might have on the book. Good luck!
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