Prior, Chris
ISBN 13: 9781496020895

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Competitive Government is a small book about a big idea. Over the centuries, much has been written about the nature of government, who should run it, and to whom it should be accountable. Very little thought has been given, however, to ways to guarantee that it gives the best possible value on an ongoing basis. Government has expanded without a mechanism to ensure that it succeeds. The result is that in many areas, the vigor and dynamism of previous decades has been replaced by torpor and paralysis. Improving the performance of government is often the "elephant in the room" when it comes to addressing issues of national decline, and seeking ways to generate new prosperity and economic growth. In Competitive Government, Chris Prior sets out a new philosophy of government. It is one that no country can ignore and offers the prospect of billions of dollars of benefits to citizens and corporations. Winning governments will embrace competitive government to deliver first class public services.
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