If you are an author with a published book that you are interested in having us carry in store, please email us at info@russellbooks.com. Include the following information about your books:

  • Title
  • Subject matter
  • Publication date
  • Marketing plan
  • Events you have been a part of
  • Critical reviews
  • Any other pertinent information 

Please keep in mind that we are a predominantly second hand bookstore, and any new books we sell are at a discounted price. Although we love and support our local authors and the literary community in Victoria, we are not always able to stock new titles due to the nature of our store and inventory. 

Books we consider are often within the genre of best selling and popular new releases, and books of local interest. 

We thank you for your interest!

News & Events

Pacific Palate Book Launch: Tuesday April 8th

                              Join award-winning,…


Read our Newsletter!

Check out our monthly newsletter for staff picks, upcoming events,…

Cards & Books by Charles van Sandwyk

You can now browse our selection of cards & books by BC artist…

Browse Highlights from our Vintage & Collectable Display Cases

The most interesting (and rare) books in the store are housed…

Planet Earth Poetry

We are proud to continue to host Planet Earth Poetry! For…

Read Local BC: Meet Your Bookseller Feature

We were honoured to be interviewed by Read Local BC for a "Meet…

Community Support

For over 28 years, Russell Books has proudly encouraged reading enthusiasts throughout the Greater Victoria community. We inspire a passion for reading and literacy through participation in community events, and provide ongoing support and partnership with groups and organizations in the book world and beyond.

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