If you’re one of the many people consciously buying Canadian right now, why not take it a step further and buy Victorian? (As in made in Victoria BC, not the Victorian Period in history!) We love making local connections at Russell’s, and we’re lucky that there are so many creative folks producing amazing products right here in our fair city.

Check out some of our local partnerships:

Books by Local Authors

We are so proud of all the incredible local authors on our shelves! From a mystery set in James Bay to a history of hockey in Victoria, there is a wealth of content being created all around you in this town. Come check out our local authors display on the main floor to find your next hyper-local read.

Colourways Cards by Jennifer McIntyre

Jennifer McIntyre has taught Visual Arts at every grade from Kindergarten to 5th year university. She now teaches part time while spending as much time as possible in her studio. She works in mixed media, acrylic and printmaking.

Art Cards by Riel Seysener

Riel Seysener is of Kwakwaka’wakw and Dutch descent. He spent his formative years travelling with his uncle, Eugene Hunt, who sold his prints up and down the coasts of Washington and Oregon. That informal apprenticeship led Riel to his own practice, enriched by whatever Indigenous art classes his school would offer.

Tea for Writers

We’re excited to partner with local tea start-up Writer’s Tea! This luxury tea is specially blended right here in Victoria to accompany you on every stage of your writing journey. Come check it out in store and get inspired!

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